2300 E Baristo Baristo & Farrell (North Side of the Camelot Theatres), Palm Springs, CA 92262 (Get directions)

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The market features farm and food only vendors, organic produce, herbs, lavender, cheese, bread, honey, nuts, eggs, olives and olive oil, fresh cut flowers, orchids, plants and much more. A Market Chef booth features recipes, culinary delights, educational materials, and guest chefs from around the Coachella Valley.


The mis­sion of the Palm Springs Cul­tural Center’s Cer­ti­fied Farm­ers’ Mar­ket Pro­gram is to serve as a community gath­er­ing place where local farm­ers and ven­dors can offer fresh agricultural and related products.


All of the Farm­ers own and oper­ate State Cer­ti­fied Farms. Some are cer­ti­fied organic, and all hold State and County Cer­tifi­cates guar­an­tee­ing that what you buy is grown on their Cal­i­for­nia Farm.


Chef Demonstrations
Kids Programs
Music at the Market
SNAP - Healthy Food Incentives