3 Dozen Farm Fresh Eggs

3 Dozen Farm Fresh Eggs

3 Dozen Farm-Fresh Eggs Are Back! From Your Local, Sustainable, Regenerative, Small Family Farm!

Local Sage Mountain Farm Chickens are free range and fed lots of organically grown fruits and vegetables from our small family farm, as well as alfalfa and Brookhurst mill laymash.

To brighten up your basket, we’re EGGcited to bring you an even more colorful variety of farm fresh eggs by raising the following breeds: Barnevelder, Barred Rock, Blue Copper Maran, Black Maran, Mottled Java, Buff Orpington, California Grey, Cream Legbar, Cuckoo Maran, Easter Egger, Olive Egger, Penedesenca, Salmon Faverolle, Ameraucana, Plymouth Rock, Welbar and Welsummer!

When you get your eggs straight from our hen house, you know exactly where they come from! As a result, eggs are more nutritious, have a richer color, and more flavorful taste!

Feel like a Spring Chicken, Start Your Day With Farm Fresh Eggs!

Farm fresh eggs are the perfect way to fuel your body and start your day strong!

Farm Fresh Eggs pack a nutritional punch: 6 grams of protein, 70 milligrams of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, high levels of lutein, zeaxanthin, (which lower your risk of vision loss), healthy doses of Vitamins A, D & E, high levels of flavonoid & carotenoid antioxidants, magnesium, immune boosting beta carotene & plenty of choline to support memory & nerve function.

Studies show that farm fresh eggs have 25% more vitamin E, 75% more beta carotene & up to 20 times more Omega-3 fatty acids than conventional eggs!