Angus Rib Steak Bone-in (Pasture-Raised Cerveza Beef)

Angus Rib Steak Bone-in (Pasture-Raised Cerveza Beef)

Pasture-Raised Cerveza Beef from Angus cattle raised locally in Anza by your small family farmer Phil who lovingly cares for the animals and land. This bone-in ribeye steak is juicy, tender, and full of flavor.
$35.00 /lb.
Avg. 1.4 lb.

Our Pasture-Raised Cerveza Beef Bone-in Ribeye Angus Steak is a popular cut with both our home chef and our executive chef customers. The Rib Steak cut comes from the Rib part of our Angus cattle, resulting in a fatty, well marbled steak with tender texture and juicy flavor. Excellent when cooked at high heat.

Cerveza (Charolais, Black Angus, Red Angus and Black & Red Angus cross) Steers are pasture-raised and eat grass (Clover & Fescue ) their whole life. At a year old, they are given a supplemental diet of 10% spent local beer grains & 90% dehydrated beans (that we soak in water). They also eat a lot of apples & stone fruit (high sugar fruits during summer) and vegetables from our small farm. 

We believe that animals raised in fresh air and sunshine with room to roam produce the highest quality, best tasting meats. Sage Mountain Steers are allowed to roam freely, graze on organic grasses and other forages, and drink pure water pumped from a 600 foot deep well.

The quality of Sage Mountain Beef cannot be beat at any price. 

Delivered from our small family farm, where you know your farmer, directly to your front door!